An Introduction to Napa Valley AVAs

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  • on JANUARY 23, 2020
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An Introduction to Napa Valley AVAs

By Devin Parr January 23, 2020

The Napa Valley is, indisputably, one of the world’s most recognized wine regions. The region received its American Viticultural Area (AVA) designation in 1981, making it California’s first AVA, and the country’s second overall.

In the decades since, 该地区的种植者和酿酒师一直在努力更好地了解AVA和地区的气候和土壤类型, in doing so, have learned that the region is actually home to many different, distinct meso- and microclimates, each suited to specific grape varieties and winemaking styles. 这导致了在ag体育正规内指定16个独立的子产区,以承认和庆祝该地区的葡萄文化多样性. Here is a rundown of all 16.

Atlas Peak AVA

Established in the early 1990s, this cool, 位于瓦卡山脉西坡的高海拔阿瓦峰是纳帕最突出的山峰. Its high elevation keeps it about 10-15 degrees cooler than the valley floor, which results in bright, expressive wines with higher acidity than other Napa Valley appellations. Atlas Peak growers supply premium fruit to dozens of wineries in Napa and Sonoma, 当地的酿酒师用赤霞珠酿制出了一些世界上最好的葡萄酒, cabernet franc, petit verdot, and merlot, as well as other classic varieties like sangiovese, syrah, and chardonnay.

Wineries to try: Dos Lagos Vineyards, Antica Napa Valley, VinRoc

Calistoga AVA
Calistoga AVA, Photo Courtesy of Facebook: Calistoga Wine Growers

Calistoga AVA

This AVA not only has one of the warmest climates of the region, it is also the most geologically uniform in all of Napa Valley. While summer temperatures can top 100 degrees, 由于太平洋的凉风从白垩山山口吹进来,夜间气温也会降到40华氏度. This diurnal shift is a grape grower’s dream, as it results in fully ripe grapes balanced by fresh acidity. 这里的主要品种包括赤霞珠、仙粉黛、西拉和小西拉.

Wineries to try: Fairwinds Estate Winery, Chateau Montelena, Sterling Vineyards, Kenefick Ranch Vineyards

Chiles Valley District AVA

Established in 1999 and located in the Eastern hills of Napa Valley, Chiles Valley is among the smallest AVAs. At about 1,000 ft. elevation, the fog-heavy breezes which cool the Valley floor don’t reach this area, so it can get quite warm. However, nights in the Chiles Valley are cool at this altitude, creating a diurnal shift that greatly benefits the grapes, which include classic Bordeaux varieties. Interestingly, because of the Chiles Valley’s relative isolation, many of the earliest vineyards were spared from phylloxera. As such, the AVA is home to some very old zinfandel vines as well.

Wineries to try: Volker Eisele, Nichelini Family Winery, Brown Estate Vineyards

Covert Estate in Coombsville AVA
Covert Estate in Coombsville AVA, Photo Courtesy of Covert Estate

Coombsville AVA

Napa Valley’s newest AVA, Coombsville received appellation status in 2011. This area, in the Southeastern corner of the Napa Valley, is only ten minutes outside of downtown Napa. The weather is cooled significantly by the AVA’s proximity to the San Pablo Bay, yielding elegant examples of cabernet sauvignon, syrah, pinot noir and chardonnay.

Wineries to try: Ackerman Family Vineyards, Shadybrook Estate, Covert Estate

Diamond Mountain AVA

While you may not find those sparkling gemstones here, 你会发现主要由赤霞珠酿造的葡萄酒同样令人惊叹. Located in the warmer Northwestern part of the Napa Valley, this region, which gained its AVA status in 2001, was actually named for the shards of reflective volcanic glass found in the soils. First planted in 1868 by Jacob Schram of Schramsberg Vineyards, 该地区的葡萄酒结构合理,质地柔软,具有明显的山地水果强度和巨大的陈酿潜力.

Winery to try: Reverie Winery

Howell Mountain AVA

Located on the Northeastern side of the Vaca Mountains just above St. 海伦娜,这是ag体育正规第一家亚ava酒庄,也是最负盛名的酒庄之一. 许多人称赞豪厄尔山葡萄酒的浓缩和标志性的“野性”——主要是赤霞珠, as well as merlot, zinfandel, and petite sirah. This distinctive character is a result of the region’s warm, dry climate and rocky, porous soils, thanks to its positioning well above the valley floor.

Wineries to try: ADAMVS, Clif Family Winery, W.H. Smith Wines, Howell Mountain Vineyards

Carneros Wine Alliance
Photo Courtesy of Carneros Wine Alliance

Los Carneros AVA

The Los Carneros AVA, established in 1983, actually straddles land in both Napa and Sonoma Valleys, 使其成为加州第一个以其独特的气候而不是政治边界来定义的葡萄酒产区. 这是一个凉爽的气候产区,深受圣巴勃罗湾盛行风的影响, with daytime temperatures rarely exceeding 80 degrees. Stunning examples of chardonnay, pinot noir, and sparkling wines, 以及一些梅洛红葡萄酒都是在卡内罗斯酿制的,这要归功于这里凉爽的气候.

Wineries to try: Domaine Carneros, Etude, Cuvaison, Artesa

Mount Veeder AVA

Formed from an ancient seabed, 维德山产区是ag体育正规生长季节最长、产量最低的产区之一. It is also the only hillside appellation that adjoins the cool, bayside Carneros. These factors, combined with the steep, rugged conditions that severely limit mechanization, have allowed the region to develop a reputation for intensely concentrated, hand-crafted, and age-worthy wines made from cabernet sauvignon, merlot, zinfandel, and chardonnay.

Wineries to try: Fontanella, Mount Veeder Winery, O’Shaughnessy Estate Winery

Oak Knoll District AVA

由于当地酿酒师的共同努力,该地区凉爽的气候和相对较长的生长季节得到了认可,该地区于2004年获得了AVA的地位. 该地区拥有ag体育正规最大的冲积扇——从山上流下的水形成的三角形沉积物——这是橡树丘的标志性特征之一. The emerging granular soil forces vines to dig deep in search of water, resulting in small, highly concentrated grapes and elegant, 用ag体育正规最多样化的葡萄品种酿制的香味浓郁的葡萄酒.

Wineries to try: Trefethen, Robert Biale, Materra | Cunat

Oakville AVA
Oakville AVA, Photo Courtesy of Facebook: Oakville Winegrowers

Oakville AVA

Named for the groves of native oak trees that covered the area in the 1800s, Oakville was actually once just a steam train stop in the Napa Valley. 今天,奥克维尔的葡萄酒是世界上最知名和最受欢迎的葡萄酒之一. Marquis names like Opus One, Screaming Eagle, 和哈兰帮助创造了“Cult Cabernet”的概念,使其成为奥克维尔产区的代名词, while other smaller, 家族经营的生产商在该地区继续保持其一流的葡萄酒和服务的声誉.

Wineries to try: Opus One, Cardinale

Rutherford AVA

位于奥克维尔北部,是ag体育正规的地理和历史中心, and boasting a warm climate moderated by cooling Bay Area fog, 卢瑟福(Rutherford)是一个经典的谷底产区,葡萄园从玛雅卡马斯(Mayacamas)的底部延伸到西尔维拉多(Silverado)小道. 该地区一些酿酒厂的历史可以追溯到19世纪末,当时小麦是ag体育正规的主要作物. 托马斯·卢瑟福(Thomas Rutherford), AVA以他的名字命名,定居下来,开始种植葡萄. Today, visitors will find rich, ripe wines made from cabernet sauvignon, merlot, cabernet franc, and zinfandel, with some sauvignon blanc as well.

Wineries to try: Peju, Beaulieu Vineyard, Round Pond Estate

Fantesca Estate in Spring Mountain
Fantesca Estate in Spring Mountain, Photo Courtesy of Fantesca Estate

Spring Mountain District AVA

Located above St. 海伦娜位于玛雅卡马斯河的东侧,与北部索诺玛县的边界相连, the region gets its name for the many natural springs that mark the area. 泉山区历史悠久,据说是该地区最早的葡萄园, planted in 1874, withstood Prohibition because it was so remote. Today, the challenging mountain terroir yields complex, “知性”葡萄酒由波尔多品种以及雷司令等其他独特的葡萄制成, sémillon, gewürztraminer, and even traditional Portuguese grapes.

Wineries to try: Fantesca Estate, Robert Keenan Winery, Smith-Madrone

St. Helena AVA

Thought of as the birthplace of Napa Valley’s commercial wine industry, Napa’s oldest wine estate, Charles Krug, was established here in 1861. St. Helena is home to 6,800 planted acres of grapes and 400+ vineyards, more than any other AVA in the Napa Valley. With a warmer climate than other AVAs, the region produces ripe yet structured cabernet sauvignon, merlot, syrah, zinfandel, and sauvignon blanc. 该地区还组织了名为BASH的年度葡萄酒品尝和食物配对比赛.

Wineries to try: Ehlers Estate, Titus Vineyards, Raymond Vineyards, Charles Krug

Stags Leap AVA
Stags Leap AVA, Photo Courtesy of Facebook: Stags Leap District Wine Growers

Stags Leap AVA

当鹿跃酒窖的1973年赤霞珠在臭名昭著的巴黎品酒会上击败了更多著名的波尔多葡萄酒时,这个地区的潜力得到了巩固. Thought of as a “valley within a valley,这个产区只有一英里宽,三英里长,主要种植波尔多品种. It’s a warm region moderated by cool bay winds at night, 土壤多样性使该地区成为第一个基于其土壤独特性而获得批准的AVA.

Wineries to try: Cliff Lede Vineyards, Stag’s Leap Wine Cellars, Pine Ridge Vineyards, Clos du Val

Wild Horse Valley AVA

While one of the earliest AVAs to be established, the Wild Horse Valley appellation remains one of Napa Valley’s most obscure. In fact, unlike most other Napa Valley AVAs, 这个地区更多的是为种植者提供独特风土的葡萄, usually from pinot noir, chardonnay, and syrah, thanks to the cool climate and shallow, volcanic soils.

Winery to try: Heron Lake Winery

AG体育平台 AVA

Not to be confused with the downtown area of AG体育平台, home to the famous French Laundry, the AG体育平台 AVA has a rich history in Napa. Geourge Yount, for whom the town is named, 1836年,在该地区种植了第一批葡萄园,最终成为多米诺斯庄园. Established in 1999, AVA从西部的Mayacamas延伸到东部的Vaca山脉, 这里有多种多样的小气候和土壤类型,可以种植许多不同的葡萄品种——这是该地区的一个显著特征.

Wineries to try: Goosecross Cellars, JCB Tasting Salon, Stewart Cellars


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